Sèvres hard paste plate with flower garlands and bleu nouveau ground 1802-03
Ø 23.3 cm
Marked: Red factory script mark for the year 11 (23-9-1802 to 22-9-1803)
These plates are from the supplement to a dessert service purchased by Laetitia Bonaparte, the mother of Napoleon on the 2 Germinal an 10 (23 March 1802) and was described as “fond beau bleu guirlandes” (Vy13, fol 28).
The supplement pieces were delivered on the 30 Ventose an 11 (21 March 1803) and were subject to the usual 10% discount (Vz1, fol 68).
It is likely that the first portion of the service used shapes taken from the Coupe service, these shapes were designed and made in the late 18th century but the factory director did not approve of the shapes and it was quickly discontinued. Only two services are thought to have been decorated, the present service and another with a bleu celeste ground delivered to Cardinal Caprara for Pope Pie the 7th.
The likelihood of pieces from the service coupe existing a year later is low and would explain the use of regular dessert plates in the supplement.